
Wednesday 4 July 2018

'tussen werelde'

Tussen werelde
vir jou verlore pornografie
met die donkerte van jou hart
by myne
gebreekte lyne
gortel gekeer se sy haar liggaam is syne
gefalle getart
verkeer die smart
dis tog alles nog verward
haar asem streel terug aan my
die geworstelde weergawe van my geloof
om die gedagte van jou prag te verdoof

Wednesday 7 September 2016

'love art'

‘in between worlds’ :
silently he sits by the desk and writes poetry while she sleeps on the bed next to him. she wakes. looks over her shoulder at him and asks ‘what you doing’. ‘writing poetry and watching you sleep’ he answers with only love in his eyes.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

apathy : ‘what makes a mind not able to control itself’ :

habits which have formed into addictions override the minds capacity to resist a substance for example as one way. trauma of any form also increases the diverse individually specific ways in which a mind can loose control of itself. each traumatic experience would be different from the next obviously, so to conclude a summation of how trauma ruins the minds self control is not immediately possible. it would essentially relate to being betrayed by the trauma having dared to happen to you even though horrific things happen all the time. repeated trauma, especially if the exact same kind, is far worse in the being. the sense of betrayal will be so severe the individual would feel their damaged trust is irreparable.

how did indoctrination make us think of other creatures as inferior or less than human and consider objects as a ‘stuff’ mentality, meaning that an object has no memory of itself or an anticipation energy of other objects and beings around it. possibilities without research in established science. according to creatures we look with good intentions at their cages and convince ourselves that because they are physically tougher, that they can handle it. you can handle = stuff. without realizing, what one has done is removed all natural respect for objects and creatures from your heart to them, which makes the entire emotional investment one makes senseless. senselessness cannot ever fully be understood or obviously, made sense of. the longer senselessness is absorbed by the mind, it eventually becomes the very dangerous unnatural emotion of ‘not caring’. all you will care about is escaping this emotional state. which ironically is exactly when you’d most probably be needed to take care of the creature or object.

now, the worst that could happen to such a mind in this condition is judgment. any form of judgment. if there is only one thing the community can do for mental illness patients and all criminals alike, only one thing, is to practice not judging and getting it into a habit and discipline of nearly never falling to the entrapment of judgment.

the reason why it’s the worst thing to happen to such a mind is that judgment is the very catalyst of all what’s structured incorrectly in the mind already. judgment is the trigger and accomplice to whatever the mind is going to do wrong.

leash + pearl jam.

practice, patience and acceptance.