
Monday 8 August 2016

‘the fallacy of the messiah complex in old testament following societies of the world.’

‘the fallacy of the messiah complex in old testament following societies of the world.’

the teaching of the messiah as an existent in the universe is the greatest trick serving divide and conquer tactics around the world. a being such as the messiah means to have automatic superiority over all humanity and life itself. this has had many a great significant effects on human society over the last two to three thousand years. schizophrenics for example, whom commonly get delusions of being some form of messiah of modern times, will completely put their own beliefs and deductions over that of others due to being destined to be right, due to being inspired as a messenger of some kind. truth is found in the collective melting pot of society and how it relates to nature. not in only one individuals contribution forever. research changes and grows over time through the efforts of many individuals and it is only research which can ever set us free from our old feudal based world traditions.

the recruiting sergeant + the pogues.

the proposal that a person called jesus christ was the son of god whom lived 2016 years ago in the middle east, places as your first guide figure in life, an immediate authoritative superior. this automatic self acceptance of the archetype of worshipping a messiah can in exchange and in other reasons be manipulated to support any number of authoritative structures whom follow pattern with the assumed messiah’s will. automatically self accepting an immediate authoritative superior causes the individuals sub conscious to automatically say ‘yes’ to any form of authority without question always. add a large amount of fear such as the fear of hellfire and you have a completely manipulated population saying yes to every event done by their governments without sufficient objection which effectively stops and prevents corrupt or neglectful government activities.

boxcar racer + letters to god.

i can marry the concept of a one god with the one universe as what it actually is, but the concept of a messiah retracts from universal equality and therefore the prime truth of balance. so it is in my opinion that the messiah complex was created to divide people over the topic and in the gap of the divide, conquer them. indoctrinating their minds with stereotypes as answers ever since.

even the concept of god as superior is a troubling factor for me. the only thing with the characteristics of god in being all surrounding is energy, which is known to science to be everywhere. energy is the flesh of the universe, so this suggests that god is a description for the greatest role in our lives. surely, that role is our habitat or environment, which at its greatest is the universe itself. god.

but is the universe superior to us. superior in size sure, but something like standards by which superiority would be measured would contain a multitude of diversely different factors. such as, without humanity, the universe could never be explored and therefore not utilized/experienced. having then no purpose. the universe in turn provided the earth with stardust containing essential minerals needed for the development of life on any planet. humans then again have through the gauntlet of choice, the ability to preserve the natural world as well as they are able to destroy it, and can conserve the entire universe with peaceful, applied, equal and compromising cooperation. but that’s the essential key which we have lost, equality. we are in balance with the universe, not below or above it, but centered in rhythm with it. modest mouse + i came as rat.

now is this an argument for atheism? wohw wohw wohw, not so fast. there is an amount of very interesting aspects to clarify still. firstly like the similarity and potential use for reading natural symbolism as a science itself and scientific method for verifying existential facts. for example, we as of so far do not have any hard evidence for the existence of the soul. but consider for a second that everything in nature renews. plants become compost and feed new plants which in turn feed the herbivores whom are hunted and become the food of the predators. energy, the greatest consistent, itself renews constantly every moment. this suggests immortality through renewal. isn’t the question of whether or not there’s such a thing like a soul then subject to the same cycle of renewal as answer. reincarnation itself makes a lot of scientific theoretical sense. if a soul can be measured and traced then it would logically suggest that it could move and change form to another universal parallel where souls hang out in between lives. then as renewal in nature parallels, the soul is reborn into life and becomes one with the river of earthly life once again. this makes natural logical sense and only needs proof.

which brings me to the motivation structure behind human science and academic institutional standards. its geared at researching to support, everything except the paranormal. which is absolutely rejected as possible let alone worth researching. this quite hostile reaction of human science thus far in history is puzzling to me. it doesn’t fit into a natural pattern of logic. naturally logical thought should suggest that if paranormal, but without proof, the said phenomenon should be considered as part of the yet unknown. which leads to, because science’s role is to research and cast light on the unknown itself, that the study of the paranormal should commence as any other equal theory.

do the evolution + pearl jam.

ask yourself, what is the fear really, the fear of disproving the traditional. of course its an attachment we all have to the information we learnt throughout our lives. to disprove all those teachings would be to take the very earth from beneath peoples feet. unless one is prepared for learning. learning has been undervalued as a life skill all throughout the industrial and modern era. after they’ve studied, a majority of people settle into their careers and stagnate in terms of learning. a cultural complacency rooted in our dependency on luxuries which we’ve acquired over the course of the modernization of the planet. soap on a rope means one doesn’t need to learn how to make soap. electricity means one doesn’t need to learn how to make fire. meat on the shelves, milk, instant coffee to keep you awake for late night office work, processed sugar, multi-vitamins replacing the actual fruit. we often don’t grow anything worth eating in our suburban gardens, we don’t plan traveling according to the wind directions anymore but use gps guidance instead.

neutral milk hotel + holland, 1945.

compared to the amount of essential skills which the ancient hunter gatherer ancestors of humanity had to learn to simply survive is far more than the average modern human has to learn. imagine how much you’d know and understand about yourself and your place in existence if you had to hunt, forage and process your own food and clothing, including how to heal yourself from illness or injury. the hunter gatherer’s sense of accomplishment must be miles higher than any modern humans today.

this problem of not learning, let alone rediscovering what it is to love learning, is at major significance a attitude problem in human society. now attitude is very curious, attitude is the only element which can cause the natural or logical to deviate towards the unnatural or illogical. an attitude can cause you to succeed greatly in life or it can cause you to make incredibly foolish mistakes. if our collective education of what our attitude should be to enjoy learning throughout life can shift and change to one where value is enjoyed for what it is in every form which it occurs, when you enjoy the concept of value itself, then all you need to do is not only apply value to monetary and materialistic things, but to something like facts as well. making knowledge a source of value to your daily outlook. this habit of constant appreciation of value, however small, will fill more and more moments with joy essentially and one will find ones attitude itself changing to one of natural acceptance of learning as pleasure.

once one then has this healed and renewed attitude, the next step is to apply it differently to ones modern high tech comfort driven environment. its obviously not about doing away with or abstaining from the worldly luxuries, but it is about habiting the use of them productively.

discipline will also come easier than before. discipline is each persons individual emotional, and spiritual if you will, investment in a commitment or rule as such. if something in ones attitude is preventing one from accomplishing the dedication in the discipline, then one is going to be prone to not enjoying the discipline learning process and therefore give up, spiraling into a depression. when one then approaches a discipline with learning itself as the backbone of the process, mistakes, if not a setback, will be valuable learning opportunities and thus enjoyable to handle. making the emotional investment of the discipline worth while and rewarding. the pressure of life shifts away from performing perfectly now, like old world traditions, towards a pressure on needing to grow instead. with this comes a completely different understanding and outlook on the moment to moment process of life. growth, always demands time before it demands or provides completion of anything. so stress of changing immediately is removed as change has already happened with the beginning of the habit towards the new aim, fueled by the enjoyment of learning along the way. growth.

the pogues + haunting.

considering the incredible height of global corruption i don’t think corruption has ever itself been as high as it has been of recent decades. simply deduced from humanity’s collective developed sense of indifference. our simple lack of intervening in any and all situations of strife is a telling sign of our desensitization from what is naturally good and right to do. globally, as one organism, we aren’t acting enough on our conscience, effectively not living up to being what we self defined as human or humane. the only interventions which do occur have suspicious ulterior interests in the areas intervened in and those same powers turn a blind eye to situations of strife where they do not have personal ulterior interests.

god’s dice + pearl jam.

the common people of the middle ages or even dark ages for that matter i believe lived daily with a higher level of emotional influence from their environment than we do today. their jeopardy was closer to home than ours is. terrorism has shook americaeurope and the entire world for that matter in their own back yards and the situation of desensitization is changing, but we’re still a long way off from walking the right path on this earth. we view jeopardy from an impersonal, not interactive, not human television screen or personal computer screen. we hide behind the camera persons lens and absorb the details of the facts of a specific horrible world event but never absorb the emotion completely. we virtualize the experience to ourselves in our minds by thinking that those events won’t happen to us and the quietness of our suburban street and nine to five job proves to one daily that this illusion is acceptable to believe.

i’m not saying that we should live in near emotional breakdown point to call ourselves human. i just believe and are suggesting that we should toughen our emotions by moving towards the embracing of a emotional evocation instead of cutting off from screen honest engagement with researchless based interpretations of media communication tools. i always hated it when people talked during the opening of a film in theatre. ruining the atmospheric draw in of the opening music and scenes. we have stumbled across this very negative habit of treating our media and film as ‘discard able objects’ so to speak. its not the magic of what’s new to discover and thus learn from the narrative anymore. its now the flashy, unoriginal, instantly gratifying, always predictable so never disappointing, formula driven narratives of hollywood and the bbc which dominate the world and its visions of itself. its empty and hollow at that.

tenacious d + tribute

now the solution to all this, to avoid being the cause of unnecessary negativity, is original and traditional narratives from all over the developing world. africa, south and middle america, middle east, asia and oceania. the traditional folk stories alone are worth a massive volume for fresh narratives. also, the vibrancy of the developing world generates immense space for original fresh narratives. its like not tapping into half of our collective brain on earth. use the wisedom of the ‘other side’ towards collective advantage.

the problem with ignorance and indifference is that it creates the very space within which all corrupt criminal activity can take place. the longer we leave this gap active the deeper our underlying societal depression will engrave itself into the mechanics of our world systems. contemporary corruption is already very far advanced and competitive at total control of the worlds systems.

besides for transparency everywhere in all industries, all clubs and organizations should be subject to complete transparency. only the private civilian home is to be closed off from transparencies claws. but as for the public and business sector i venture no negativity and only good can come from the complete transparency of everything. this type of transparency can only be effective and secure at rooting out corruption if the government and all its agencies are subject to the same transparency requirements. no ‘one way’ observation, everything open to the public. if corruption has nowhere to hide then it can only spill out into the streets and that’s when the law will catch them. with transparency and a good liberal constitution one can separate the victims and perpetrators of corruption like separating the drug abusers from the drug dealers.

mason jennings + nobody’s fault but mine.

although, this is interesting about how tricky and rigged it seems the design of corruptions presence in our world is. take marijuana for example, its still illegal in many parts of the world. if phone conversations were scanned for key words like marijuana and people get arrested for it, then transparency isn’t working. which is why ones constitution, defending the rights of its citizens, has to be perfect and liberal, the only kind which would succeed or has succeeded in the past. things like marijuana and sex work has to be clearly defined and legalized to be in the protection sphere of the governments transparency in all industries. nobody can be left caught in between the transparent industries without reasonable defense for his potential mishaps.

the south african freedom of speech law which provides for persecution of what is termed ‘hate speech’, which is defined as anything which is said to insight hatred towards another, is also troubling considering the effects of transparency. i just imagine rugby supporters being blacklisted for phone calls made after a currie cup final where either western province or the blue bulls won. i still believe verbal abuse can be handled differently than making an absolute rule over preventing it. the tongue, like the pen is mightier than the sword and discouraging people from using their vocal chords to express themselves, even if its something mean which they would say, is negative reinforcement in my opinion. it also makes people hide their true feelings and opinion out of fear of being called out for hate speech. doesn’t it make sense then that if one can’t hear their deepest darkest feelings then you can’t sway, convince or heal them away from it. if they were able to freely speak their minds irrelevant of hate speech, then you’d at least have the opportunity to communicate with them. now the government and everyone else doesn’t know where they stand with each other anymore. we’re over sensitive about political correctness and stressing our environment with it unnecessarily.

the solution words are compromise, understanding, forgiveness and resilience. looking at the next four decades drastic things are going to change and revolve on this earth. the end of oil, a population crisis and a ongoing global war on terror with no end in sight retarding the entire solution. is there hope remaining for humanity in the face of it all?

red mosquito + pearl jam.

well, we’ve made it so far ...