
Monday 28 April 2014

'bitter liefde en appelgryn maak hemel by bestemdes se gortels'

'bitter love and applegrain makes heavan at the intendeds throats'

the recruiting sergeant + the pogues ..

titel/title :
'wie het dit geskryf'
'whom wrote it'

chapter 1 : “'phoneticly ironic'” ..

“padda voete en batman opblaas oore” .. “rug na die muur van gesensordes” ..
'en die volgende oggend le se hout gekies', eerder as om te sny of skei ..

"toad feet and batman blowup ears" .. "back towards the wall of the censored" ..
'the next day i chose le's (name: 'le', meaning : 'lay down') wood', rather than cutting or splitting wood ..

“sang breakerfall on the business which is gonna save us all ..”

“agt stukkies bymekaar gemaak”, (skrywers as (crossaxle) lied ghost + pearl jam)

"gathered eight pieces", (writers crossaxle song ghost +pearl jam)

zombie phoneticly ironic + cranberries ..

'swazi, in a ancient tong se swazi ..'

'swazi, in a ancient tognue, say swazi ..'

“en aanstaltes gemaak ..”

"and i made way .."

carmina burana + coure'd'amor no 16 ..

secret wedding + braveheart ..
'migeal, my lief .. hom gisteraand gekry' ..

'migeal, my love .. found him last night' ..

“asseblief, my lief, dans met my” ..

"please, my love, dance with me" ..

“op na die verhoog neem ek haar” .. “en ver voor die horison, dans ons daar” .. “ek kannie helpie” ..

"onto the stage i take her" .. "and far infront of the horizon, we dans there" .. "i cant help" ..

shawn colvin + sunny came home .. (bruglied)

chapter 2 : “'nie alleen nie, met vriende'”
            "'not alone, with friends'"

(a donker bruin harige dogter en vier van haar vriendinne ko uit op die stage en dans frolik en sing sunny came home van shawn colvin met linte and politiese flae, kummunisme, rastafaria flag, anc flag, ou suid afrikaanse flag, nuwe suid afrikaanse flag, huidige duitse flag, union jack, ierse flag, amerikaanse flag, franse flag, nazi flag, apla flag, united nations flag ..)

(a dark brown haired daughter and four of her friends comes out on stage and dances freely and sings sunny came home from shawn colvin with ribbons and political flags, communism, rastafarian flag, anc flag, old south african flag, new south african flag, current german flag, union jack, irish flag, american flag, french flag, nazi flag, apla flag, united nations flag ..)

bruin haar dogter : 
'victoria ! jy moet soveel as moontlik iets kry om te doen want sy gan jou kry' ..

brown haired daughter : 
'victoria ! you have to get something to do as much as possible cause she's going to get you' ..

attack and desolation + braveheart .. (6:24)

sheryl crow + if it makes you happy ..

joe, hy moet net beseffend dat hy cool lyk, wees en sy hare gewas kry deur die vyf tiener dogters terwyl hulle dans en sing ..

joe, he just has to realizingly the he looks cool, lay there and get his hair washed by the five teenage daughters while they dance and sing ..

met a speciaal 'punk gesiende' silverchair lied ..

“op tel hy sy hoofhoed .. op sy koof plaas hy neer sy optog goed” ..

"up he picks his crownhat .. on his koof he places his protest good"

barnacles + ugly casanova ..

met swaarde stokke en byle .. (net pa pretenses ..) karton en kleure fars van wit ..

with swords, sticks and axes .. (just dad pretenses ..) cardboard and colours fresh with white ..

van 8tg af .. “sĂȘ haar hart” ..

from eight .. "sayz her heart" ..

sweet freedom + koos kombuis ..

somalian dry climate coffee expantion ..

chapter 3 : “'one third at least'” .. gila, cri, migeal as willia se kint misgeverstaan fantasy, anghlenn ..
gila, cri, migael as willia's son misunderstandingly fantasy, anghlenn ..

ekt het a cheesy lied gekry, lied gekry, lied gekry, waar is die probleem my dogter ..
hier is een te veel getel .. ek's die probleem my dogter ..

i have found a cheesy song, a cheesy song, a cheesy song, where is the problem my daughter ..
here is one counted too many .. i'm the problem my daughter ..

skunk ananise + secretly .. 'one third at least' ..

holland 1945 + neutral milk hotel ..

karton camera houend deur a portukeels afrikaanse man leend up sy rug met rug na die gehoor .. strobe light .. die bosluis heidin in a wit t-shirt sonder a bra .. flits dansend op haar kniee net agter sy liggaam vir hom ..

cardboard camera held by a portukeels afrikaans man layd down on his back with his back towards the crowd .. strobe light .. the tic heatheness in a white t-shirt without a bra .. flash dancing on her knees just behind his body ..

'the only girl i've ever loved was born with roses in her eyes , but then they buried her alive, one wing in 1945, with just her sister at her side, and on the wings before the guns all came and rained on every one .. now she's a little boy in spain playing pianos filled with flames, on empty rings around the sun .. i'll sing the same our dream has come .. and now we must pack our bag ov every needs , ov the life we used to love .. just to keep ourselves at least enough to carry on, and now you'll rather surface wheel, they art dart brother wrapped in white, says it was good to be alive .. and now your eyes upon the screen, they wont be coming back again, the earth was better from the star .. the slight above from where your are .. he didnt mean to make you cry .. the sparks that ring and bullets fly, on empty rings around your heart, the world just screams and falls apart .. and now we must pack our bag ov every needs , ov the life we used to love, just to keep ourselves at least enough to carry on, and this where your mother sleeps .. and we will be whomb when our brothers are born in engines in the sheet , when their bodies once moved but dont move anymore .. and its so sad to see the world agree that they'd rather se their faces filled with blood .. is all that i'd want to be white roses in their eyes ..'

tempet est locundum + carmina burana ..

holland 1945 + neutral milk hotel ..

donker vlamme rooi en lig absorbeerend .. karton met rye vyf tot ses jarige meisies en 'n paar sewe en agt jariges wat by die gange tussen die gehoor vanaf beligting tot die verhoog hardloop met sulke kleurige vakkels ..

dark flames red and light absorbing .. cardboard with rows ov six year old girls and a few seven and eight year olds running down the passages between the crowd from the backlightings side onto the stage with such colourful torches ..

a couch word uitgesleep deur die springbok teater hemel duiwels .. vinnig en flink voordat jy eers notice hulle daar is .. die dogters, vyf, nogsteeds vanaf bewegend sync in met die hemel duiwels en sit op die couch soos wat hulle die tv uitsleep .. hulle fees en kyk tv, maak grappies en terg mekaar skadeloos ..

a couch is dragged out onto the stage by the springbok thater heavan devils .. quick and without fuss before you even notice they were there .. the daughters, five, still from moving sync in with the devils and sit on the couch as they drag out the tv .. the girls party and talk and tease each otherr harmlessly ..

las swart, in swart kerk pak netjies gestryk en ronde amish pik swart hoet .. met pik bruin ligte notahardeband boek, en potlood kort halfte in regter hand .. vanaf holland 1945 + neutral milk hotel se einde tot colour blind .. die bosluis heidin met a voortrekker oudste dogter witskoon rok met agte as bol form (wat op aarde noem a mens dit , 'research nota') kom links voor opstage .. las swart skrik van trots en skaamte tegelyk .. en hy sit die notaboekie en potlood in sy baadtjie sak .. neem haar hande en ly haar na die ossewa wat met die dogters se hulp van die karton sypanele uitgedra is ..

las swart, in black church suit neatly ironed and round amish pitch black hat .. with pitch light brown hardcover notebook, and pencil short half in his right hand .. from holland 1945' + neutral milk hotel's end to colour blind .. the tic heatheness with a voortrekker eldest daughter white clean dress on with a bowl form hind of dress (what on earth do you call that : research note) comes onto stage from left .. las swart frights of pride and shyness at once .. and he puts the notebook and pencil in his blaiser pocket .. takes her hands and leads her to the oxwagon which is carried out with the help of the daughters of the side pannels ..

colour blind + r.e.m .. ('how to collect when i get tired' ..) track 5 ..

almal het dan iets te se + david kramer .. (everybody has something to say + david kramer)

flaming lips + the yeah yeah yeah song ..

argief bos kint : dis daai wind ..

archive tree child : this is that wind ..

laagtoon tot optoon : 'eks nie a kint nie' .. (die legende mili styl)
eggo in a microfoon ..

lowtone to uptone : 'i'm not a child' .. (in the legend mili style)
echo in a microphone ..

sheryl crow + so you can make a killing ..

barroom hero + drop kick murphies ..

kaptein koebaai + koos kombuis ..

dead prez + hip hop ..

xcitefun ..

chapter 4 : "'ruanguelas'"

kerke van die nag + koos bombuis .. (churches of the night + koos kombuis)

staande asgloei tussen veld brand polle .. soet vrystaat grassrook reuk in my neus welkom .. karton en glinster gras polle .. swart en wit photos van suid afrikaanse veld brande .. backscreens .. fadent ..

standing ashglow between field burnt grass hubbles .. sweet freestate grass smoke smell welcome in las swart's nose .. cardboard and glistening grass hubbles .. black and white photo's of south arican veldfires .. backscreens .. fading ..

uf dem anger + carmina burana ..

las swart, broth pot maakend .. klein tinkerend en passie mengend ..

las swart, broth pot making .. small tinkering and passion mixing ..

'tgggrikt' .. doppie van a tas bottel oopgemaak .. klein verantwoordelikke sluk geneem en weer onder die tafel neer geplaas ..

'tgggrikt' .. the cap of a tassenberg wine bottle spins off .. small responsible swigs are taken and the bottle placed under the desk again ..

res van chapter gaan oor, die doppie, ander topic pratend, vindend, van die doppie om weer verantwoordelik terug op die bottel te plaas ..

rest of chapter is about the bottlecap, other topic talking, finding, of the bottlecap to place back onto the bottle ..

hartseerland + koos kombuis

'jy juk en jy gan nie kan ophou nie' 'begin nou sensually massage tot daar of wanneer jy in publiek sit ...'

'you're itching and your not going to ba able to stop' 'start sensually massaging till there or when you sit in public ...'

las swart klim uit die kanoe en begin sy rugsak bymekaar maak .. hy pak sy kos en gereedskap wat ooral oor die water dryf (bright blou geverfde karton) ..

las swart climbs out of a canoe and begins to gather his backpack .. he packs it with food and equipment drifting all over the surface of the water (bright blue painted cardboard) ..

boer in beton + koos kombuis ..

hy strap die spaane vas aan die linker helmsy van die kanoe, en vat die pad storie verduidelikend .. van agter die kanoe kry hy a kitaar en dra dit oor sy rug ..

he straps the oars fixed to the left helmside of the canoe, ans takes the road story explaining .. from behind the canoe he finds a guitar and carries it over his back ..

oh comely + neutral milk hotel ..

treadmill, berge in skemer agter verbygedra deur akteurs .. stap hy met kierie en twak en sing die lied die berge op ..

treadmill, mountains in twilight behind him carried past by actors .. he walks with walking stick and herbs to smoke and sings oh comely up the mountain ..

spilled milk factory + ugly casanova ..

koos kombuis + bach op die voortrekker monument ..

interlude :
'ek gan plek kry hier tussen in' .. gedraaide liefde knyp .. (praatend uit liefde uit)

'i'm going to find space inbetween here' .. turned love pinch .. (talking out of love)

'nie wanneer hy my gan volg nie' ..

'not when he's going to follow me'

bittersweet symphony + the verve ..

lahore ..

kush ..

kush ..

kush ..

kush ..

hine ..

excecucao vietcong ..

kush ..

kush ..

china ..

fotografia ..

fotografia ..

fotografia ..

johnny is nie dood nie + koos kombuis ..

brackish boy + frank black and the catholics ..

spilled milk factory + ugly casanova ..

florence and the machine + cosmic love ..

'this photo is difficult to get over as a favorite ..'

christmas song + dave matthews ..

natals technical strength in sugarreed production ..

the darkness + love on the rocks with no ice ..

ghost + neutral milk hotel ..

barnacles + ugly casanova (for selected listening : koos kombuis luierliedie)

i'll believe in anything + wolf parade ..

cat faces + ugly casanova ..

givin up + the darkness ..

nuvens ..

abdekcom ..

brazilian stone henge ..

lady van die bodorp + koos kombuis ..

freshwater dolphins ..

gathering the clans + braveheart ..

morning coffee ..

murron's burial + braveheart ..

the princess pleads for wallace's life + braveheart ..

liefde uit die oude doos + koos kombuis ..

holland, 1945 + neutral milk hotel ..

christmas song + dave matthews ..

salvation + cranberries ..

'drawing is the most solving tool humanity has to its disposal .. it's our compliment to nature .. through drawing fears can be overcome and inner awkwardness's with common trends can be conquered with mutual victory towards society and oneself .. one, is only oneself with a partner, soul mate ..'

die bosluis heidin ..
the tic heatheness ..

paint it black + rolling stones ..

growing on me + the darkness ..

shine a light + wolf parade ..

dog days are over + florence and the machine ..

eco art ..

eliot erwitt ..

freshwater dolphins ..

bittersweet symphony + the verve ..

narusegawa ..

leonid afremov ..

man who laughs ..

phillipines ..

phillpines ..

rene magritte + son of man ..

indonesia population ..

phillipines ..

'freedom' the execution bannockburn + braveheart ..
ghost + neutral milk hotel ..
brackish boy + frank black ..
dead prez + hip hop ..
cosmic love + florence and the machine ..
i'll believe in anything + wolf parade ..
holland, 1945 + neutral milk hotel ..

recruiting sergeant + the pogues (up scroll, down or rebegin from zi top) ..

three peaches + neutral milk hotel ..

gorilla rehabilitation in chad ..

chad ..

third world art

we built another world + wolf parade ..