
Thursday 15 March 2012

'rainwater collection'

paint it black + rolling stones ..

rainwater collection is the longest task of the day .. if agreed so, efficiency takes over its stride .. the reason is mosquito larvea and other larvea which form breeding colony's in the rainwater buckets .. to be a good urban greener one needs to accept and nourish the lifecycles of all living beings which one encounters .. their wishes should fall in with your own molding of the natural environment .. 

if water is filled from the top surface of the water you can avoid getting larvea into your collection cup or container .. two to three people can gather water at once from a drum the size of in the picture .. bricks are better for the support of the base of the drum and extra small trays can be placed in the gaps between the bricks to catch extra needed water ..

'cornerstone narrative inspiration blocks'


Wednesday 14 March 2012

'student filmmaking'

i suppose it should be called 'researcher filmmaking' .. 

holland 1945 + neutral milk hotel ..
brackish boy + frank black ..
dead prez + hip hop ..

'south african social scenes as common film contexts'

the south african social colture is rich and flourishing with narrative contex's which could be used in many filmographic ways .. from south africans abroad to local scenes, fill a two hour narrative so fast we should be rich of the dollars by now ..

this confidence i have stems from what everybody has experienced from life in south africa thus far ..


the greatest secret of acting is to 'stay natural' .. to not force a context but to let it flow from your natural emotions .. 

emotional memory together with genetic memory fits the strongest backbone of the acting tools to a actors disposal ..

'robert the bruce'

the great hero and scottish chief robert the bruce was small in stature .. with a sword or primarily a hammer, he knocked the marauders of longshanks back in their boots to where they came from ..

he didn't provide much opposition to his own peoples wills and wishes, but when he knew what he was doing was the right thing, nerely nothing stopped this man ..

together with the help of willaim wallace, and many more, they free'd scotland and are considered two of their greatest hero's ..