
Thursday 2 February 2012

'when the world is legalized'

when the world is legalized i'm going to force barrack obama to eat a magic mushroom .. he'll need the break ..


hy moes homself so reg prepare het by geneties ..

at hells ov heights ... the peace ov mechanics will return .. peace .. just peace will return ..

'anglisized' : afrikaans and english's stance towards each other ..

'dink jy 'dis' sal verk as a question ..'

the importance of language, as i've discovered the hard way through this blog .. is for it ro remain formalized .. with rules not feared and not guidelines which can be changed as one wants to suspect in modern claustrophobic societal communication shortage .. depth, speciffically a shortage in deep conversation .. since 2010, deep conversations seems to have been taking a battering to exist in our international society .. our natural survival technique to not listen to the entrapping philosphy of the great evil which has plagued our planet and people for so very long ..

afrikaans and english have shared a very turmoiled past through bitterness from the south african war (anglo boer war) and the inheritance of apartheid from the english initial segregationists .. afrikaans as a culture really has to bury the hatchet towards the english .. its over a hundred year ago and britain is a very different place now .. people kind and full of hospitality almost like the celtic realm of old .. 

english has in turn gained lots of respect towards afrikaans tenacity at survival as a culture .. the civil debating between these two cultures with social topics surrounding the core topic of afrikaans has fantastic potential for spectacle ..

debating in itself needs to return as a actual sport watched by society for entertainment ..

mixed words language potential between afrikaans and english won't really soon form a language of itself and i don't think it wants to or should force itself either .. the cape melting pot and the phenomenon of die antwoord .. has stood free strong enough for this crossover language to exist .. but without publishing of a serious dictionary and grammatical analysis .. it wont find form .. but there's the magic of such a crossover language .. it will ever change due to dynamic emphasis every time .. crashing through the barrier of existence to nothing, and pulling out brand new creative energy .. the creative miracle ..

ghost + neutral milk hotel ..

lekke man !!!

Wednesday 1 February 2012


'watt ferkoos ? ..' 
'oh got vergeet hy, strai planeet is op internet ..' 
'koos van a evil sister wat geen flippen writers editing tyd gee nie ..' 
'harmlessness promised (tag volgende keer vi joe) ..'

'the vineyard'

Monday 30 January 2012

'morph' : the anatomy of tuatha aeb human ..

tuatha aeb human (mens) : 'the morph' ..
human beings mimic their talent ranges on their bodies different to other beings .. that is why we are the morph in nature evolutionarily .. from our wrinkles in our eyes to the shape of our noses .. we adapt to the creatures we farm with to the creatures we hunt, mimicingly .. this behavioral talent is essential to our role in nature, having the only grip opposable thumb effective for tool making or rather, large natural manipulation .. 

molding, is what our task is actually .. manipulating nature leads to events like dam breaks and floods, earth quakes where people shouldn't live, and storms which run its natural course straight through our neighborhoods .. the pace of the industrial age, which was hastened by queen victoria to be too fast to properly mold with, is why we became mislead as a people and a society ..

'artichokes ge'ontplof' ..
'exploded atrichokes' ..

'ninja swateam'

'5000 not astronought families on mars (ika)'

thinking in the figure of 7 billion people on earth today, the distribution of successful colonization will distribute this mass of people to 1.5 billion on mars, 2 billion on venus and thus 3.5 billion people on mars .. assuming population stabilization ..

a moral miracle for all of earth ..

ganymede and callisto, two moons of jupiter, have enough water to supply venus and mars with habitat reform (terraforming) colonization ..

as the atmosphere thickens and fills with oxygen, the underground tunnel rivers drill in the initial colonisation phase can be lead or pumped to drain above ground .. bringing the first opportunity to fertelize the martian greater soil and establish plantgrowth outside of the enclaves ..

the initial towns or housing facilities will pretty much be like a indefinite camping trip .. more than enough adventure to keep the whits busy ..

enclaves are a very simple a efficient way of creating a series of small towns inbetween long distances which resupply mars rovers .. a basic small carriage railway can be built for airtight packed goods .. underground tunnels between the enclaves large enough to row a canoe in, will take a while to drill inbetween the enclaves ..

small greening greenhouses can start the oxygen carbon turnover in the atmosphere as a bonus effect while they primarily focus on creating enough food stock to supply enclave staff ..

the oceans of ika (mars) ..