
Monday 30 January 2012

'morph' : the anatomy of tuatha aeb human ..

tuatha aeb human (mens) : 'the morph' ..
human beings mimic their talent ranges on their bodies different to other beings .. that is why we are the morph in nature evolutionarily .. from our wrinkles in our eyes to the shape of our noses .. we adapt to the creatures we farm with to the creatures we hunt, mimicingly .. this behavioral talent is essential to our role in nature, having the only grip opposable thumb effective for tool making or rather, large natural manipulation .. 

molding, is what our task is actually .. manipulating nature leads to events like dam breaks and floods, earth quakes where people shouldn't live, and storms which run its natural course straight through our neighborhoods .. the pace of the industrial age, which was hastened by queen victoria to be too fast to properly mold with, is why we became mislead as a people and a society ..

'artichokes ge'ontplof' ..
'exploded atrichokes' ..

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