
Monday 30 January 2012

'5000 not astronought families on mars (ika)'

thinking in the figure of 7 billion people on earth today, the distribution of successful colonization will distribute this mass of people to 1.5 billion on mars, 2 billion on venus and thus 3.5 billion people on mars .. assuming population stabilization ..

a moral miracle for all of earth ..

ganymede and callisto, two moons of jupiter, have enough water to supply venus and mars with habitat reform (terraforming) colonization ..

as the atmosphere thickens and fills with oxygen, the underground tunnel rivers drill in the initial colonisation phase can be lead or pumped to drain above ground .. bringing the first opportunity to fertelize the martian greater soil and establish plantgrowth outside of the enclaves ..

the initial towns or housing facilities will pretty much be like a indefinite camping trip .. more than enough adventure to keep the whits busy ..

enclaves are a very simple a efficient way of creating a series of small towns inbetween long distances which resupply mars rovers .. a basic small carriage railway can be built for airtight packed goods .. underground tunnels between the enclaves large enough to row a canoe in, will take a while to drill inbetween the enclaves ..

small greening greenhouses can start the oxygen carbon turnover in the atmosphere as a bonus effect while they primarily focus on creating enough food stock to supply enclave staff ..

the oceans of ika (mars) ..

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