
Friday 29 May 2015

'nudity as art short project'

mason jennings + nobody's fault but mine ..

when ‘want’ is abused, one will want greater and more intensely than before and possibly negatively as well, because of the abuse. it is essential to stop the flow of the abuse through the circle of life as first priority. but also interestingly, to heal the trauma from the abuse one often finds that humans engage in a kind of fantasy expression of the abuse, partly in a way to understand the core of the abuse and thus to be able to come to grips with its existence. war films, books, s&m in sex. all these contain things one doesn’t want to happen in random reality, but serves as ways to understand events which have happened on earth and in our lives. but like war films, the screen interpretation is usually a toned down depiction of the truth.

so, i believe, s&m acts should be seen in the sex industry. certain things cross the line into just simple abuse and disrespect to each other. one only wants to communicate the idea of something like fantasy dominance, you don’t want to recreate it. also, if the nature of the fantasy is truly based on derogatory effort, then it should also find its way to the dustbin of our societal bad habits. there is immense beauty in humanity’s animal heritage, we can live perfectly rough without ever abusing the privilege. 

the sex industry, i don’t think it ever will, nor do i think it ever should shut down completely, but a rehabilitational revolution is certainly imminent and needed. with far out liberal ideas like the netherlands system where sex work is legalized and therefore within the control sphere of the government and transparency itself. taking sex work under the wing of the resources of the country instead of banishing it to the wastelands of illegality. with this legality comes the edition of more maturity and sophistication to the sex work industry and dare it become true, even artistic in nature. but the seriousness about the current p.o.r.n industry is drastic, and will need drastic change. the entire fetish-fantasy themes of the p.o.r.n industry, especially in america, are only male centered. even the lesbian scenes are completely from a male perspective. there has been some expansion of variety in the amateur p.o.r.n genre, but fundamentally its all about the ‘cock’, so to speak. years of playing the cool game in the american p.o.r.n industry has left the male actors one styled in terms of intimacy, no foreplay. nothing is as ugly as seeing the womanizing words on their faces.
except maybe seeing the fake appreciation in the faces of the actresses. this is mainly p.o.r.n from the nineties.

the naughties have been surprising, with some of the best hiv infection and std prevention methods in the world as well as birth control due to its rapid 13 billion dollar a year (in america alone) influx of commercial revenue. actors and actresses look happier and less botoxed. even though the male centric dominance of the industry remains prevalent. imagine a black and white nude art calendar of just p.o.r.n actresses and actors posing nude in elegant positions. 

bringing respect and appreciation to their lives more than what just their circles provide them. global social acceptance of these people and the rehabilitation of those whom are there through desperation and not of want. which is the dark truth of the industry as it stands in 2016. these humble words are based on amateur internet research and my personal perspective. if compromise between the liberal and the conservative could ever be reached, these peoples lives would essentially be saved. 

its that simple.