
Sunday 16 August 2015

'the immorality of trophy hunting' :

trophy hunting is at the peek of our global sickness .. its the standard of hierarchy of humans above its environment which is the cause of all the strife in our world today and ever since time began .. even the idea that “shooting an animal for pleasure is less cruel than farm attacks or xenophobia attacks” is insane .. humans must learn that it isn't their brains that separate them from nature, but its their opposable thumbs, that's it .. the ability to grip tools or god forbid, weapons is our only difference to the other animals ..

scientists admit that what they know about the brain is less than what they don't know about the brain .. intelligence is assumed and not proven above other animal intelligence .. to my view, animals and their brains are designed to suit their role in nature .. our role in nature is to protect and preserve earth/our environment for the benefit of all life on earth ..

animal killing should be seen as an equal murder to a human murder .. trophy hunting is a desire to kill for pleasure ..
something unheard of in hunter gatherer societies like the san (bushman) ..

its a sickness .. if we still had slavery, trophy hunting wouldn't stop there .. rich 'free' people would pay millions to trophy hunt other people in cages .. from hunting in tribal societies for food we've sickened ourselves to hunt predators, a pointless endeavor .. there's no natural symbolism or role for it ..

we know that animals have better senses than us .. their brains operate differently, not inferior, but differently to enable them with better sight, hearing etc than us .. isn't that respectful as an intelligent design .. different, but equal to us ..

our sexual penis envy problems have gone literally to our brains as size matters apparently in thinking processes .. having a bigger brain enables you to process more .. more what? more murder, more oil exploitation, more drug abuse .. a large brain in my opinion is in itself no proof whatsoever that intelligence is higher .. why is better puzzle solving skills evidence of higher intelligence than other animals, its not a lions priority to play chess or solve puzzles, a lions priority in developing its own intelligence is to control and regulate herbivore populations within its diet from becoming too large and over grazing the environment .. can a human with its big brain do the lions intelligent job better than them .. no .. arrogance might make you say yes, but its just not true ..

we're very far from a proverbial heaven/home on earth .. human evolution is direly needed to improve to one of compassion ..
compassion .. when last did you even think of the word ...

the wikipedia definition for trophy hunting : 

"trophy hunting is the selective hunting of wild game classified as game animals. the primary motivation is to seek the oldest, and most mature animal from a given population, which is typically a male with the largest body size or largest antlers or horns. these animals have made their contribution to the gene pool and are nearing or are post-breeding age. another motivation for the hunter may be the opportunity to participate in the management of a population by selectively removing these post breeding age males. parts of the animal may be kept as a hunting trophy or memorial (usually the skin, antlers, horns and/or head), the carcass itself is often used as food."

very convenient excuses to live out a sick pleasure .. hunting is only justified out of need for food, then souvenirs could be kept in honor of the animal, and not pride over dominating it ..