
Friday 29 July 2016

‘the primitive modernity’

it is my opinion that the world we live in today is still very primitive. in fact as primitive as what it was 12 000 years ago when the first signs of transition from the neolithic to the urbanized world appeared. our main violent struggle on the planet is between the predominant western cultures and the predominant eastern cultures over fundamentally, resources. yes, there seems to be less open emphasis on the cultural elements factoring in between the countries where the oil is (modern gold) and the countries whom control the oil. in the european middle ages, there was certainly a higher emphasis on the religion and nationality one came from. class difference was absolute and all engines of progress was fueled by this structure of divides.

jack parrow – cooler as ekke

it is interesting to note that in the middle ages controlling the trade routes was the main source of power in contemporary times where as controlling the oil fields determines the most power in the modern world. none the less, both are essential resources. making it the hidden cause of the crusades during the european middle ages and the main cause of terrorism and the war on it today. the money generator of the times determines the arguments which turn sour or work out of those times.

but the glaring primitivism of the entire trend is that human society hasn’t learnt from its past mistakes and keep repeating them. if the cheesy idea of the greater good, ‘the right thing’, common sense could be followed then all argument over resources would dissipate and peace on earth would not be a mere figment of our imaginations. why fight over resources that were naturally acquired over millions of years in earths geology and are therefore intended for all humanity. when nature already shares everything very sparingly. why waste all those billions of dollars and pounds creating death showers of warfare equipment just to move the idea of ownership from one societal identity to another societal identity. the clock on global warming is ticking and we literally do not have the time to argue about whom owns ‘what to do’ about our fate on the planet, we only have time to team together and do it.

Blink 182 - Stay together for the kids

its in a very real way comforting to know we are so primitive still on earth, at least it offers sane explanation for why the earth is in the state it is and its something we can change. the latter being the most important part. to believe we can change our fates by changing our attitudes.