
Saturday 27 October 2012

'the tic heatheness'

twine and thread ... 
cigarettes and lust ...
thoughts ...
which would be considered impure 
by churches ...
kept us together in apartness ... 
and belied our whereabouts 
to those who'd forsake us ...

salijah ... her word of name captured the imagination 
of more than all men ... 
and scratched torrents into my soul ...

'salijah anima'

salijah ... of the fox wing ... 
and never did i rest ...
staind by jack ... 
... the ripper ... 
the path she and i could flee 
was not the path we could travel ... 
and longing arrested my heart ... 

hope dawned her face ... 
hatred crashed and broke against our shoulders ... 

merry behad our rebellion ... 

'and from its ashes'

... and from its ashes ... 
the girl of a gentle womans sway ...
begrabbed my heart ... 
and tore wickedness from my body ... 
i hated the distance between us ... 
and coveted visions of us united ... 

but the devil laid bestoken of its fire ... 
and harbored grudge against mine love heart ...
thus caused split between i and her ... 
cursed the earth we walked towards each other ... 

echos of the tic heatheness ...
holy heavan ... 
never guided my soul ... 
darkness regained my heart ...
and through its evil ... 
i betrayed hatreds vows ... 

Friday 12 October 2012


system of a down + war ..

'long and remembered'

my tale is long and remembered ...
for biblical damnation i have no cure for others ... 
but for my own i had remembered every lifetime ...
every reincarnation ... 
none could convince me of the ending of life ...
confine me to the barriers of death ... 

the theft and pillage of hundreds and thousands of years of intervals ... has been removed of will within the now of sanity we've all have had before ... but the player of evil has structured itself to harass the future ...

Wednesday 19 September 2012

'martian valleys'

planting forests in the valleys and corners of the martian surface, mountain and hillside areas ..

Tuesday 18 September 2012

'mars habitat formation'

mars ...

a gigantic sphere with a molten core and capable to take 1 1/2 billion people ... making our seven billion people on earth now, a more energy realistic 5 1/2 billion people ..

as the oxygen levels become breathable for being and plant outside the enclaves .. grass types can be used to carpet the large pieces of land with oxygen producing and carbon compost creating activity on the then topsoil of the planet ..

along valley depths and crevices we plant bright green river plants .. expecting the increasing rain falls spells from the water gathered from ganymede and callisto .. the two jupiter moons with enough water for venus and mars's habitat formation .. 

in the enclaves, a more tropical biohm is planted in the enclaves built around the equator .. 

inside the enclaves, water ponds with various water plants increasing surface area with carbon storage ..

terrace farming bulking and maximizing the surface area of food provision ..

then after the pioneering grass has fertilized the outer lands .. tall grasses can be planted from which bread and beer can be made .. 

as the climate outside become appropriate to the biohm inside ... the roof of the enclaves can come off .. 

the biohm of the enclave syncs up with trees and grass planted inbetween enclaves ..

Tuesday 28 August 2012

'genetic memory'

'in haar drome'

in haar drome vil sy my gips in haar self .. 
verliefde verleentheid saggies bid en hemel skelm 
in die hartgooi .. 

vanself omring en verlig .. 
die binneshuis music die blikhout oranje van my water glas .. 

her loneliness could lay the night there .. 
thee fareware warned .. 

the loved the free .. 
by the face by the love ..
by the happening of the stuv ..

i conclude the forlorn .. 
and bid safeway to all those out there by our highway's ..

jimmy hendrix + long hot summer night ..