
Sunday 4 December 2011

'bobbejaan en sy tak' (baboon and his branch)

43. 25 january 2006 bobbejaan en sy tak

bobbejaan sit op die tak en bybel lees 
opsoek na 'n woord wat hom kan genees 

al die diere in die tuin jag en stoei
hard besig omk mekaar uit te roei 

bobbejaan soek verlossing
'n woord wat die diere bymekaar kan bring
vanaf sy tak begin hy skree
vir die tuin se siel begin hy sing 

die diere trek saam in a kring om bobbejaan se boom
en deel vir a oomblik sy droom

maar bok sien gou hy staan langs leeu
kuiken skrik vir slang se gesig 
so alles tot niet wat bobbejaan wil stig

die diere begin weer chaos verrig

met bobbejaan op sy tak
opsoek na nuwe lig

baboon and his branch

baboon sits on his branch and bible read
on search for a word which can heal him
all the animals in the garden hunt and wrestle
hard busy with ruining each other

baboon searches for absolution
a word which can bring the animals together
from his branch he begins to scream
for the soul ov the garden he begins to sing

the animals draw in a circle around baboons tree
and share for a moment his dream

but buck sees soon he's standing next to lion
chick frights at snakes face
so everything goes to nothing
that baboon wants to host

the animals start to chaos again
with baboon on his branch
on search for new light

a baboon (chi, tuatha aeb) walked in his home place named with basebeat, a loner, very long ago ..

a norm ov a kind in south africa then .. by his home dolorems steep start towards the peek .. this bothma .. this middle little mountain ov this coved valley ..

the corner performer releases his ether .. (inspired by tupac)



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