
Tuesday 28 April 2015

'warfare is about ending it as soon as possible'

 warfare is about ending it as soon as possible .. because war is a unnatural 'impossible to understand sort of life to go through' .. so you in essence have a limited amount of time before the killing reaches moral senselessness .. 

this is actually so because of the strength of the human spirit .. happens as an x duration into the war and not from the start .. when self defense, as the only tool for killings justification, spends itself before politics can bring the event of the war to evidence for resolution .. 

the warriors role is to 'shield-knock' as metaphor, the enemy into stalemate shock .. the politicians role is to materialize the stale mate into an end for any reason to war ..

this so far touches on what those whom truly have complete understanding, refer to as the 'art of war' ..

simply ending the war as ambition still has no mention of forcing or instilling down authority over another area, but the idea of a protectorate does exist, and then in-turn is the maximum extent of feelings like imperialism, has to its disposal .. one can from top power only serve another country or area with guidance for a x duration temporary time .. and all karma has to be guiding the will of the country or area to find its true self ..

the books + smells like content ..

ancient warfare is more a tailor made quest per individual as a whole :
broadsword : 
'tank' tactically .. broad wide swings .. has to be protected by other infantry warriors .. shortsword, axe or spear ..
one handed axe : 
if you study an axe you'll learn its your thinking weapon .. you hesitate about killing for immoral reasons with an axe .. that is one of its arc definities .. simply, because traditionally a tool of provision and not actually a weapon, thus morally guides in war ironically .. the good thing about an axe as a projectile, you don't have to worry about sticking the blade .. the weight balancing point of the axe head and the handle hits like a rocket-punch that always knocks back and does damage .. a piece of art which is to be used very responsibly ..
a sword : has to be balanced to each individual .. tailor made .. i prefer a middle length sword .. meter sturdy blade and a two handed handle ..
large circular shield : 
an odd form shield makes you think about it too much .. a circular form shield removes over thinking and canopies you out in the field ..
spear : 
you'll never defeat anything without mastering the spear .. balance ..
bow and arrow : 
middle distance bow the best offensive defense weapon .. (british longbow increases senseless crowd cutting down tactics, guerrilla warfare is the key .. attack and run relentlessly and take out leaders (minimizes civilian casualty and soldier senseless (in vain) casualties) obviously, in the hands of evil, all these wonderful tactics would be the utmost worst crimes imaginable ..
battering ram :
simple and ethically testing to the opposition ..

nothing that goes out of control itself when used .. i'm the only gay eskimo + tenacious d ..

no bombs .. no catapults .. (inaccuracy and civilian death, senselessness increases)

if consequences fall : 
dynamite .. only bridges, roads and railroads tactically .. (without traffic) ..

counting crows + hanging around ..

drone strikes .. (the only karmic exception to the bombing rule, but very amateur or beginner like used in the middle east so far ..)

browning : mid to long-range cover and suppressing fire .. suppressing or cutting down large groups attempting to overwhelm your defenses .. retreat pattern needs to be carefully planned as the browning is very heavy .. no time to loose in moving .. the browning has been used since the first world war and is rated as the most reliable weapon ever made .. lasting very long, under very hot barrel conditions and any weather ..

AK-47 : the all round versatility weapon .. always in use .. from front to full retreat-keep point ..

queens of the stone age + another love song ..
pearl jam + masters of war .. 
bob dylan + masters of war ..

50 calibre rifle : the longrange cover and suppressing fire weapon .. cutting down enemy key numbers before they reach range to engage the AK-47 or browning .. never close to the frontline .. getting your 50 caught defeats your inevitably .. the weapon that replaces bomb tech .. shooting out vehicle engines and minimizing casualties .. streamlining the warfare that zero civilian casualties are possible but obviously not guaranteed cause anything can go wrong quickly in an attack .. can be mounted on the back of humvee's to utilize as guerrilla warfare hit and run devastation .. for example .. somalia .. arming each soldier with green taped rubber bullet magazines and red taped live ammunition .. using less lethal force while targeting the somalian warlords vehicle engines .. attacking their economy and not the personnel .. three to four rubber bullets should put the average person out of the fight and arrest-able ..

apartheid policing tactics was like a evil twist of very naturally karmic warfare techniques .. a corruption of styles which were anciently learnt .. the afrikaner in actual fact didn't invent guerrilla warfare .. the vikings did it expertly and even the term in british warfare 'a skirmish' is basically guerrilla warfare .. but it must be sayd the afrikaner did kind of perfect it .. lasting for three years against the biggest and cruelest empire of the time .. its only after the south african war in 1899 to 1901 that the afrikaner became corrupted by a mixture of control freaking and sporadic occurrences of greed inherited from britain ironically .. sporadically because the poor white question needs to be taken into demographics as well .. greed disunites on all levels ..

belinda Carlyle + heaven is a place on earth ..
pennywise + my own country ..
neighborhood bully + bob dylan ..

battle of stirling (braveheart)

the fight against isis : 

small swat team like strike forces moving very fast in and out ..

the kurdish group seems like the likeliest for reliable allegiance to instil a ceasefire after isis is subdued and a democracy in syria and iraq as well .. countries like britain, france, usa and others could support the kurdish group in this way .. surround them with the kurdish fighters (essential to cut them off from the zagros mountains) .. avoid and flank conflict with large isis soldier groups ..
strike only leadership and the cruelty gangs ..
replace the drone strikes with swat team like very fast in and out attacks .. guerilla warfare at its best is attacking on only certain surprise opportunities, striking tactically preplanned targets only and not forcing getting all assigned targets, listening for the element of surprize's turning point, when the enemy finds cover the first moment, cease the attack and run .. 

since obama, america has been karmic-ally better at conflict .. please support, with constructive criticism, his governments efforts during this, one of our darkest times in history ..

deep inside of you + third eye blind ..

the roman sword : the handle makes you afraid of cutting yourself .. a negative reinforcement tactic from upstairs .. well balanced sword for generic soldier drone'afying problematics ..

make those you hand weapons to, in order to defend you, also afraid of you .. the mind of a villain ..

aking + know your bones ..

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