
Friday 1 May 2015

'legalizing marijuana responsibly'

bob dylan + all i really want to do

queens of the stone age + song for the deaf

drug jockery : (j.geits band + centrefold) (alternate route: static x, dead prez + hip hop)

drug jockery .. i find it incredibly ironic, that the path of the jock has found itself all through the so called greenies .. the eiry people .. once lost enough in the drug realm they all become experts of substance abuse .. with wild not researched or not self critically researched theories on how all illegal drugs are good for you .. putting the truth, at risk .. bragging about how much they can take without adhering to at least a little advice that their gonna die a horrible death if they don't stop their attitude at least .. i was one .. a drug jock .. they're horrible stubborn and selfish people whom betray on mass their own after the chase for the dragon so to speak ..

but none the less only empathy saves them .. mentally addictive, as it changes the way you think .. takes you away from your inner home .. lost .. is what drugs does to you .. but the instinct to consume inebriates is not wrong .. wine, beer (grapes, grass etc), marijuana and shrooms (magic mushrooms) are natural medicinally prescribable substances or recreational substances ..
further definition is limited due to illegality limiting fair research .. lets say true evil drugs like cocaine (company of caine) exists fairly illegal .. and then lets say we make the mobolo fruit illegal with them .. soon a rumor will grow and take over fair belief that the mobolo fruit, of which biofeul and wine can be made, is bad for you .. that's what happened to marijuana and shrooms .. ignorance of those too afraid to include themselves in the marijuana culture has lead to its illegalization ..

the books + twelve fold chain ..

so in essence we have two enemy's on both sides of the fight .. the drug jock and the abstinence jock .. and inbetween the two, we will find the wise and legalize our inebriates responsibly ..

mogwai + killing all the flies ..

'marijuana legalization progress as a medicinal substance' ..

klein tambootieboom + die heuwels fantasties ..

Evidential summary :

1. slows the growth and acceleration of various cancers such as leukemia ..
"cancer: Several studies on animal and human cells and a small study on 9 people suggested THC and other cannibinoids (chemichals derived from cannibis) might slow the growth of brain cancer. Multiple lab studies in human cells have also shown the potential for them to slow other kinds of cancers, such as breast cancer and leukemia; no studies in people have taken place." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
2. anxiety relief in mental illnesses .. schizophrenia, bi polars and tourettes ..
"Thirty percent to 40% of patients with bipolar disorder are not consistently helped by or cannot tolerate standard medication. In the course of the authors' studies of the medical uses of cannibis (Grinspoon & Bakalar 1997), a number of sufferers were discovered who believed marijuana to be more effective than conventional anti-manic drugs, or who used it to relieve the side effcts of lithium." (
"Many of the studies that have been done show that chemicals in marijuana can help treat some conditions. They have helped manage pain and reduced muscle spasms in MS patients. They've worked as an appetite stimulant, and as an alternative drug for brain disorders such as schizophrenia and Tourrette's syndrome." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
"schizophrenia: Two clinical trials showed that THC and cannabidiol could help with psychotic and other symptoms." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

3. improves creativity ..
"However, they suggested that cannabis produces psychotomimetic symptoms, which in turn might lead to connecting seemingly unrelated concepts, an aspect of divergent thinking considered primarily to creative thinking. A drug induced altered state of mind may indeed lead to breaking free from ordinary thinking and associations, thereby, increasing the likelihood of generating novel ideas or associations. Weiner (2000)" (April 20, 2012 by V. Krishna Kumar, Ph.D. In Psychology Masala)
"The authors speculated that the increase in verbal fluency scores for the low trait group on the intoxicated day might be related to cannabis stimulating" dopamine release in the mesolimbic pathway which includes the frontal cortex" (p.297)." (April 20, 2012 by V. Krishna Kumar, Ph.D. In Psychology Masala)

4. eases the effects of seizures in epilepsy types ..
"Epilepsy: Personal stories and animal studies have shown that cannabidiol, one of the chemicals in cannabis, may help seizures in children with epilepsy. New York University just announced it will do a study of children with epilepsy and marijuana." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
5. eases muscle spasms and chronic pain in multiple sclerosis and various cancer types ..
"In addition to seizure disorders, medical marijuana is often used to treat chronic pain from injuries or medical conditions such as cancer, nausea from medication, and multiple sclerosis."
(WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
"Medical marijuana is used to treat cancer pain, nausea related to chemotherapy, and to stimulate appetite." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
"neurologists reported the higest number of patients asking if medical marijuana might help them (70%). Marijuana may help multiple sclerosis and severe seizure disorders." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

jack johnson + its all understood ..

"One of the most documented uses of medical marijuana is in the treatment of pain. Medical marijuana may be a better painkiller then narcotic painkillers, like oxycodone, with less potential for addiction," says Smith. "More research will help us better understand how best to use medical marijuana in the treatment of many conditions that cause chronic pain."" (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
"Dustin Sulak, DO, is a doctor on the front lines of medical marijuana. Patients with multiple sclerosis had less painful muscle spasms. Patients with severe inflammatory bowel disease began to eat again." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

"Chronic Pain: More than 45 studies have looked at marijuana and pain related to chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, fibromyagia, multiple sclerosis, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, and spinal injuries. The studies have included smoked marijuana, along with herbal and man-made forms. The majority of the studies showed an improvement in pain relief in comparison to a placebo or to other traditional pain medications. About a quarter of the studies showed no improvement." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

6. is a natural anti depressant ..
"Not only does marijuana not cause depression, it looks like it may actually alleviate it..."
"Several lines of evidence suggest that cannabis may have antidepressant effects."

the brian jonestown massacre + malela

"MS: More than 24 studies have looked at smoked marijuana, cannabinoids, and MS. Most reported that it helped relax patients' rigid muscles and helped with pain. Sativex is approved to treat MS in 24 countries, but not in the U.S." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

7. prevents damaged cells in the lungs from turning malignent, in other words prevents lung cancer ..
"You'd think it would have been very big news in the spring of 2005 when Donald Tashkin, a professor of pulmonology at UCLA's David Geffin School of Medicine, revealed at a conference that components of marijuana smoke, although they damage cells in respiratory tissue, somehow prevent them from becoming malignant."
"The National Institute on Drug Abuse supported Tashkin's merijuana-related research over the decades and gave him a grant to conduct a large, population based, case-controlled study that would prove definitively that heavy, long-term marijuana use increases the risk of lung and upper-airways cancers. What Tashkin and his colleagues found, however, disproved their hypothesis." 
"It turned out that increased marijuana use did not result in higher rates of lung and pharyngeal cancer (whereas tobacco smokers were at greater risk the more they smoked). Tobacco smokers who also smoked marijuana were at slightly lower risk of getting lung cancer than tobacco-only smokers."

"that something in marijuana stops damaged cells from becoming malignant -- Tashkin noted that an anti-proliferative effect of THC has been observed in cell-culture systems and animal models of brain, breast, prostate, and lung cancer. THC has been shown to promote known apoptosis (damaged cells die instead of reproducing) and to counter angiogenesis (the process by which blood vessels are formed -- a requirement of tumor growth). Other antioxidants in cannibis may also be involved in countering malignancy, Tahskin said." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by micheal W. Smith, MD)

8. eases the effects of arthritis .. 
"Marijuana may help arthritis pain and inflammation but it is not commonly used." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
9. eases digestive disorders ..
""With inflammatory bowel disease, we'll see patients who were at death's door turn around dramatically."
Sulak's experience is powerful and adds to the large body of personal stories -- dating from 5,000 years ago -- about the therapeutic value of marijuana." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
Digestive Disorders: Personal stories and several early studies have shown that smoking "marijuana can help people with digetsive diseases such as colitis, irritable bowl syndrome, and Crohn's disease. Some of the results included a reduction in bowel inflammation and reduced acid reflux. Further, some patients were able to retain more nutrients in their bodies, and the disease went into remission." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

10. combats the effects of alzheimers ..
"Alzheimer's Disease: One 1997 Trial found that synthetic THC could ease symptoms of Alzheimer's. Patients were less agitated and ate better after treatment." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)
11. eases the symptoms of some kinds of autisms ..
"Autism: Two animal studies show that chemicals in marijuana may help symptoms of some forms of autism. A study of children with autism is underway at the University of California Irvine Medical Center." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

eleven high status medical uses and there are four drugs already legally made from marijuana .. they are : Marinol, Cesamet, Epidiolex and Sativex ..

"Despite the obstacles, three FDA -approved drugs are made from marijuana. They include: 

Marinol and Cesamet: Both drugs are used to treat nausea and lack of appetite related to chemotherapy and in AIDS patients. THey are man-made versions of THC, the primary chemical in marijuana that gives users a "high," Both were approved in the 1980s.
Epidiolex: This drug to treat children's epilepsy received FDA approval in 2013. Its use is highly restricted.

Another drug, Sativex, is in clinical trials in the U.S. for pain with breast cancer. It is a combination of chemicals from the marijuana herb and is sprayed into the mouth. Sativex is approved in more than 20 countries to treat miscle spasms from MS and cancer pain." (Reviewed on March 03, 2014 (c) 2014 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.)

aking + face-brick constellations ..

marijuana's role in the fight against cancer seems to be perfectly suited to be crucial .. marijuana can buy you time for building strength through the chemotherapy sessions and even surgery .. in many cases of cancer struggles, it struggles to cure itself because time is limited .. the role of marijuana in slowing the spread and growth of cancers is so spiritually, physically, morally and above all medically important that it is highly concerning that its is still illegal in places of the world ..

"About 20 years ago, scientists discovered a system in the brain that responds to 60 chemicals in marijuana, also known as cannabis. It's called the endocannabinoid system. This system plays a role in many of the body's functions, such as in the heart, along the digestive, endocrine, immune, nervous, and reproductive systems." (WebMD Feature Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

bob dylan + mozambique ..

marijuana seems to alert and strengthen one's integrated wisdom through genetic memory recall strengthening ..

marijuana's value as a medicinal substance significantly outweighs its recreational purposes actually .. just like taking cough syrup just when you actually have a cough problem,  it becomes debatable whether or not you should use marijuana when you don't have a problem with depression, arthritis, epilepsy, cancer, sleep apnia, or any of the many other problem which marijuana is medically suited for .. but daily recreational upliftment can be argued for as a daily health and medical benefit of marijuana which the plant includes in its array of help to mankind .. like wine and beer, vitamins and irons are daily utilized to balance the physical and emotional health of the individual .. it has been proven that one glass of red wine a day actually prolongs life in a variety of ways .. but still, marijuana's recreational use is exaggerated as a sole legalization defense just like its gateway drug urban legend reputation has a blemishing effect in the value of marijuana for mankind ..

hurricane + bob dylan ..

research difficulties : 

"Research has been limited because the federal government has designated marijuana as a "Schedule 1" substance, a designation used for the most dangerous drugs having "no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse."" (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

"but federal restrictions make it hard for the research to advance, Bestwick says, That's because scientists in the U.S. have to get approval from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the FDA to do research on medical marijuana."

"a special strain of marijuana to treat their children's seizure disorders have led to stronger calls for research." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

"The Epilepsy foundation recently called on the Drug Enforcement Administration to relax its restrictions on marijuana so that it can be properly studied, as did two prominent epilepsy researchers in a recent New York Times op-ed." (WebMd Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

"Here's a look at the survey numbers for doctors asked about medical marijuana U.S. :

69% say it can help with certain treatments and conditions. 
67% sat it should be a medcial option for patients.
56% support making it legal nationwide. 
50% of doctors in states where it is not legal say it should be legal in their states."

"52% of doctors in states considering new laws say it should be legal in their states."

"oncologists and hematologists showed the highest level, with 82% saying marijuana delivers real benefits to patients. Rheumatologists ranked the lowest on that question, with 54% saying it delivers benefits." (WebMD Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

the brian jonestown massacre + salaam ..

"A survey of consumers on WebMD had similar levels of support for medical marijuana among the general public. Among 2,960 surveyed:

50% support making it legal nationwide.
49% of consumers in states where it is not legal siy it should be legal in their states.
52% say it can help with treatments and conditions.
45% say the benefits outweigh the risks.

Most doctors and consumers surveyed oppose legalizing recreational marijuana nationally." (WebMd Health News Reviewed by Micheal W. Smith, MD)

"The conclusion: "Cannabinoids may be useful medicine for certain indications" and deserve further research, wrote Igor Grant, professor and executive vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry."

legalizing marijuana responsibly : 

licences at a strict estimate of R40 a month for medicinal knowledged growers with or without a degree .. utilizing simple provable experience .. practical proof applies as primary evidence .. recreational use only after 20 years of age ..

legalizing marijuana gives free honest recovery to every single community in south africa .. and so the same in the rest of the world .. nature moves with us .. and the marijuana plant has moved as an indigenous friend to mankind (humanity) since the dawn of its spirit in the nests of the universes sky ..

marijuana is very important in brain formation after 20 up till 35, especially sativa strains, through creativity stimulation during research (studying) .. when the mind is 19 and younger the natural excitement adrenalin balance of a being's (human's) body is synced to the youth of growing .. from twenty your body takes to its complete centralization at 'the remainder of life's heart habiting' .. but the irony remains, one is healthy from the start, even before and during sickness* .. attitude is always somewhere at a person in consciousness and we are filled with our chosen good habits even during illness or doing a crime ..

*at your 'id', you can't be cruel, evil, sick, or anything else other than good and kind .. ego and superego can get mislead ..

marijuana has varying statuses of legal tolerance towards it in 30 countries around the world .. these include :
argentina, australia, belgium, belize, cambodia, canada, colombia, costa rica, croatia, czech republic, denmark, equador, estonia, germany, italy, jamaica, mexico, nepal, netherlands, north korea, pakistan, peru, portugal, russia, spain, switserland, united states, ukraine and uruguay .. in most of these countries marijuana possession is decriminalized .. astonishingly, the only country where marijuana is completely legal is in north korea ..

buckfever underground + dink harder (live) 

35 states, count them, even that sliver light green piece near new york coast .. far beyond fifty percent for marijuana in some sort of way .. time to celebrate .. britain next, then south africa and the planet .. legalize surprize ..

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