
Sunday, 25 March 2012

'subsistence farming'

crossing subsistence farming to commercial profit fsrming, should ideally never be a cultural agrument, but instead a cultural tactic .. along another manner of description, susbsistence farming should crossover to commercial profit farming from where they are .. government infrastructure installment and maintenance, which facilitates the access of help towards such farmers doesn't always have to choose the most streamline solution to reach the most efficient solution, infact sometimes 100% streamline systematics impoverishes efficiency when chosen hastily by a serius of misunderstanding accidents ..

lets take the example of a sturdy wooden bridge .. every x amount of years the wood rots and need to replaced as a bridge, instead of always hasting the solution to a metal bridge (as the example of 'the streamline') .. the wooden bridge has better aesthetics for tourism at one farm and doesnt contribute significantly different to tourism aesthetics on the neighboring farm .. local circumstances research are crucial before choosing the danger of a generic solution ..

(post topic expantion to be continued) ..

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